Let's take a Deep Dive

here you get some thoughts and inspiration about my personal life

Bevagna 2024

June 13, 2024

During our recent project week organized by the university, a group of us had the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the charming town of Bevagna. This small city, rich with history and picturesque scenery, became a wellspring of inspiration for our creative path. Our days were filled with a variety of activities, including photography, typography, illustration, and 3D scanning experiments. The experience was not only educational but also deeply fulfilling, as it allowed us to express our creativity in new and exciting ways.

3D Scanning Experiments

One of the most exciting aspects of the week was our exploration of 3D scanning technology. We conducted several experiments, scanning everything from small artifacts to larger architectural elements. These scans provided a new dimension to our creative projects, allowing us to build detailed 3D models of Bevagna's unique features. This technology opened up new possibilities for visual storytelling and interactive design.

Creating an Audio Reactive and Interactive Visualizer

I took these 3D scans a step further by creating an audio reactive and interactive visualizer. Using scenes from our scans, I developed a visualizer that responded to audio inputs, creating a dynamic and engaging visual experience. This project was particularly rewarding as it combined several aspects of my interests and studies, bringing together visual art, technology, and interactivity in a single creative expression.

Memories Captured

Beyond the structured activities, I also took numerous photos to capture my personal memories of Bevagna. These images are a testament to the beauty and charm of the town, as well as the wonderful time we had during our project week. Each photograph holds a special place, reminding me of the inspiring environment and the creative energy that flowed throughout our stay.

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Summer in Berlin 2023

August 28, 2023

In the summer of 2023, I landed an internship in Berlin at the creative powerhouse, Goldener Westen. Motion design paired to the city's endless adventures and nightlife.

Creative Hustle

Goldener Westen threw me right into the deep end of motion design. Picture this: me, armed with After Effects and a cup of strong German coffee, diving into projects that made my head spin in the best way possible. The team was a bunch of design wizards, always ready with tips, tricks, and the occasional “you got this!” pep talk.

Never sleeping in Berlin

Berlin itself? A crazy, beautiful mess of cultures, flavors, and late-night escapades. Every neighborhood was a new world. Mitte had history oozing out of its bricks, while Kreuzberg was like an artist's fever dream.

Friends and getting lost

Berlin’s adventures went beyond the tourist spots. I lived in Spandau but lived in East-Berlin. I got lost in flea markets, grabbed coffee at gentrified spots and not (yet) gentrified spots, and discovered hidden bars where locals schooled me with somewhat philosophical talks. I made friends with fellow interns, colleagues, and random folks and dates for explorations and epic nights out.

Techno, Techno, Techno

Berlin is the heartbeat of techno in Germany. And I surely experienced it. It was great! And I think that's all I have to say. You have to experience it yourself

The Exhaustion and the Joy

Sure, juggling a demanding internship with Berlin’s non-stop excitement was exhausting. There were days I felt like a zombie running on coffee and sheer willpower. But the thrill of it all, the creativity at work, and the electric vibe of the city kept me going.

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Akademikerzelt in Westhof/Rerik

July 29, 2023

First time camping at Westhof/Rerik in Nothern Germany – it was wild!

Whose Idea was it? and wtf was that spot?

I don't know whose idea it was. But my friends from my hometown Wittenberg wanted to do a small vacation like in good old times. Then let's go camping? At a very weird spot. Our "camping field" was right on the side by a motorcross camp. So we had a great feeling of nature with some diesel smell and motorcross noise… great

Better than expected

To be honest. It was very funny. The whole scenery and of course first time camping. Good conversation by our tent and enjoying some adventurous days and nights

Take your longboard to the east "coast" (sea) of Germany

We were a few kilometers distant from the east sea. So we brought our longboards and skated to the beach. It was so good and the whole experience had a weird nostalgia. Back in 2016 where everyone had a longboard.

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